Don’t let the word “starch” throw you. The vast majority of starches in Carbonaut products are resistant starches. These RS4-type resistant starches don’t get identified by your body as starches, so they’re not digested the same way other starches are. They pass through your system and your body treats them the way it treats fiber—no transformation to glucose, no blood sugar spike, no keto problem. They’re even safe for diabetics.
Our mission with Carbonaut is to create low-carb bread that tastes like it came from the corner bakery, so for us, taste and texture are paramount. And we use a little teensy touch of regular starch (well within the miniscule realm of keto safety) as food to feed the yeast in our bread, so our bread bakes up with the characteristics of bread, rather than those of a brick. The good news: virtually all of this starch is consumed by the yeast as it works to make the bread rise. So none of it is really left to make a meaningful impact on our carbs.
In any case, we swear on our mother’s oven that every single crumb of everything we bake is super keto compliant. Carbonaut is Keto Certified by the Paleo Foundation, the world’s #1 leader in keto certification, and we would never compromise that.